August 17, 2009

The president's Trojan horse

Yes, Obama will push you out of private health care

During his recent speech to the American Medical Association, President
Obama addressed what he called the "illegitimate concern" that "a public
option is somehow a Trojan horse for a single-payer system." Referring
to such concerns, he added that "when you hear the naysayers claim that
I'm trying to bring about government-run health care, know this: They're
not telling the truth."

As the authors of "A Trojan Horse Plan" (Opinion, June 1), we are
perhaps uniquely situated to respond. For our part, we're prepared to
believe that the president honestly thinks his "public option" isn't a
Trojan horse; that he honestly believes it won't lead to government
control of our health care system. What we don't know is why he believes

The Lewin Group, a prominent consulting firm, estimates that, under a
widespread, Medicare-like "public option," 118 million Americans would
lose their private health insurance and be switched onto government-run
care. To the best of our knowledge, the president hasn't cited any
studies to the contrary. When you combine those 118 million with the 80
million people already covered by government health care, there wouldn't
be much room left in which private insurance could operate.

Because he doesn't support a "single-payer" system, the president
implies he doesn't support "government-run health care." But if, through
payment policies, the government decides what doctors we use, what drugs
we can take, and how much is charged, the system is government-run. So
we can agree that Mr. Obama technically isn't supporting a single-payer
system. But he is supporting a government-run system that may well lead
to a single payer.

Mr. Obama says that the "public option" would merely provide Americans
with a new choice for health insurance: "If you like what you're
getting, keep it. Nobody is forcing you to shift." In truth, however,
millions of employers would choose the "public option" - for their

Given a choice between accepting the cost, risk and burden of continuing
to provide insurance, or having the government take over that
responsibility, millions of employers would bolt. And anyone who
believes a public option plan wouldn't become a tax-subsidized plan
hasn't been watching very closely for the past 50 years.

The president says his proposal will be "deficit-neutral in the next
decade." Given its projected cost of $1.5 trillion over that decade - an
amount greater than the annual gross domestic product (GDP) of Canada -
this is quite a claim.

Keep in mind that we're already running higher deficits - even as a
percentage of GDP - than during the Great Depression. Only 55 percent of
2009 federal spending ($2.2 of $4.0 trillion) comes from tax revenue;
the rest is borrowed money. Yet the creation of a massive new
Medicare-like program won't increase deficits?

The president says this unlikely result will be made possible through
miscellaneous tax increases and Medicare spending reductions, but he
never specifies the cuts. As secretary of health and human services, I
took a budget to Capitol Hill containing half the reductions the
president says Congress must make, and I was politically stoned by those
in his party and many in mine. With all due respect, Mr. President, name
the cuts. Show us the money.

Most of Mr. Obama's claims would be impossible to believe even if there
weren't such a clear track record to support disbelief. In the 1960s,
President Johnson and the Democratic Congress both projected that
Medicare would cost $12 billion in 1990. Its actual cost was $111
billion - 9 times the original estimate. The Medicare Hospital Trust
Fund is now projected to become insolvent in 2016, three years earlier
than last year's estimate.

So, we're prepared to believe, as Mr. Obama watches Congress begin to
build the "public option" Trojan horse, following the blueprint he has
provided, that he honestly thinks this is merely a fine-looking gift for
the American people, and not the vehicle through which government-run
health care will pierce the gates, capture their wallets, and ration
their health care. We're just not prepared to believe he's right.

By: Michael O. Leavitt, secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services from 2005-09, is a former director of the Environmental
Protection Agency, and a three-term governor of Utah. Jeffrey H.
Anderson is a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute. Published
in The Washington Times.

Reviewed / Posted by: Scott W. Yates, MD, MBA, MS, FACP